This Seawind 1600 PASSAGEMAKER is in like new condition. She is designed for performance cruising with plenty living comfort . Fully optioned for cruising, this vessel has sailed with its first owners from the east coast of the USA through to the South Pacific Islands. Now this is a rare opportunity to continue cruising from NZ in comfort and elegance on a full specced , performing cat. Key features include: + Lithium Batteries + Air-Conditioning + Generator + full B&G Electronics + Doyle Cruise Sail package including Screecher, Spinnaker and Storm Jib, 2 Electric Winches, Spectra Watermaker, and more.
LOA 52’ / 15,7M Beam 25’10” / 7.9M Draft 2.1” / 0.5M Engine: 2021 Yanmar Twin 80 HP (570 Hours) Fuel 750L Water 1,200L Location: Opua, New Zealand Registration Flag: Jersey (UK)
